Why Trade In Your Old Vehicle to Quick Chevrolet GMC of Rockland?

If you’re looking to buy a new car, trading in your old vehicle to our dealership in Rockland, Maine, is a great alternative to selling it to a private buyer. Here’s why.

It’s a lot simpler

Selling a car takes work. You need to list your vehicle, advertise it, communicate with prospective buyers, arrange meetings and test drives, and many other steps. It’s an involved process that takes time and money.

Trading in your old vehicle at Quirk Chevrolet GMC of Rockland is much simpler. Just show up to our dealership with your car, give one of our appraisers some time to look at it while you check out the new car you want to buy, and we’ll make you an offer. Simple!

The timing is more convenient

If you’re buying a new car and selling an old one at the same time, the timing can go awry and complicate the transition. Is there still a balance on your old car? You may find yourself paying off two cars at the same time! Trading in at our Rockland car dealership ensures you can sell your old car and buy the new vehicle simultaneously with minimal hassle or worry about timing.

You can trade in a financed vehicle

Quick Chevrolet GMC will buy your car even if you are still financing it, which may be much harder to do when selling privately. We’ll also help you apply the value of your old car toward the down payment of the new one as credit.

No matter the model you want to sell, it’s always more convenient to trade in at the dealership. Visit Quick Chevrolet GMC of Rockland, Maine, to get your old vehicle appraised!


Quirk Chevrolet GMC Of Rockland 44.1211, -69.1009.